Saturday, August 21, 2010


So, two posts ago, I speculated that Matthew and his family went through Ellis Island. My reasoning was that the children had to had their hair cut off and I didn't have proof that they actually went through Canada. Well, I was looking through the Nelson Genealogy and found the migration history on page 14. I thought I'd read it pretty thouroghly, but I guess not, because I found this:

1910- SARAH Nelson, with brother MATTHEW Nelson, wife AMY and three (3) children came to Montreal, Canada. SARAH, being sponsored by a church, went to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, to work as a servant.
MATTHEW and his family proceeded to Marshall, Michigan, to the home of his uncle, ROBERT RAE Nelson.
So it sounds like I was wrong about Ellis Island, Green Lane and that whole theory. I can't entirely rule it out just yet, even though that auto shop in the link to the Pennsylvania address looks like it was probably built in the 1950s. On the positive, it looks like Matthew's partner was probably from the Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
I'm going to keep all of the mistakes I post, unless they're technical glitches, like a picture not loading. This blog is about our family, but it's also about my research, trial and error. That's how research works, anyway. Sometimes clues cause you to guess, and sometimes those guesses are wrong.

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