Here's another letter from Amy that she sent to her sister with some more money. You can tell she misses Annie, terribly. She encourages her to write her back a few times.
Amy also mentions that Matthew starts his new job as proprietor of his own garage. The next letter that will be featured here will be on his stationary!
If you notice, Amy's pen dies while she writing the second page of the letter and switches to pencil. You can see marks at the bottom of the front side of the page, where she might have tried to get the pen to work again.

(This is a second. I received it last week with £5)
(Something underlined twice, looks like "omme".)
March 20th 1911
Union St
Dear Annie
Just a few lines. Hope you are keeping well. I am sending you some money as I promised you must write back as soon as you get this. We are sending you 24 dollars. That is £5 in English money. I will send send more as soon as we get an answer from you. Don't forget to let us know how much we owe you. Tell Ethel we will send her some as soon as we can. Matt started in his new place this morning. If he gets on all right we will soon be able to pay you both. We got a letter from Scotland the other day and they told us you had not had any visitors in all winter. I was so sorry but I hope you are pulling-along all right.
Dear Annie, we have named the baby Maraget after Matthew's sister. She is dark and she is very good.
I must conclude now as Matt will be in for dinner in a few minutes. With love from all I remain your loving sister Amy
And that is our address. Write soon.
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