Wednesday, August 18, 2010

October 18th, 1909

This is the last letter I have (as far as I know) of Matthew Nelson's when he and his family still lived in England. It looks like maybe he is now the sole owner of The Pembroke Engineering and Motor Company, or maybe his partner just took a less demanding role? If his family was well off and in the same business, maybe F.J. Edwards joined his father in business? I don't know, and perhaps might never know, so we won't worry about that in this post.
A new family member is introduced in this letter: Herbert. I know he is not one of their children, but I have know idea who he is. From the sound of the letter, I would guess he is a child, but he could be an older gentleman. Whoever he is, he doesn't see very well.


October 18th 1909
To Mrs. John Wilson
Grange Over Sands

The Pembroke Engineering and Motor Co.,
Mechanical and Electrical Engineers,
12 & 12a Hart Street, Liverpool
Principal, M. Nelson

Dear Annie,

I am sending you Six pounds* and I am sorry I can't afford you more. I have been trying to sell my motor bike but I can't get anything like a price for it and I don't want to let it go for nothing. I am expecting some money shortly for a patent I am bringing out and if it proves a success I won't forget yourself and Jack as you have been a good friend to me. Amy has taken Herbert to the hospital today again to have his eyes tested - they say his sight is very weak and I expect he will have to wear glasses but we will know this afternoon.
I hope this little assistance will tide you over for a few weeks till I can scrape up something more.
With love from Amy & Self I remain your loving brother M. Nelson

* £6 in 1909 would be about £141, or $220 today.
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